What Should I Do After a DWI?

This Memorial Day Weekend, it is important to remember that police are on the lookout for drunk drivers. Driving while intoxicated doesn’t just pose a danger to yourself, but also poses a danger to other drivers and pedestrians who also share the road. Drunk driving is a major safety concern, which why law enforcement often set up checkpoints to protect the public. During Memorial Day Weekend, police will be setting up these checkpoints throughout the city. In this blog, we explain what you need to do if you are stopped for a DWI this Memorial Day Weekend.

Remember the following things when driving around this Memorial Day Weekend:

  • Keep your eye out for DWI checkpoints spread around town
  • Marijuana and prescription medication can also get you a DWI
  • Be patient with police if you are pulled over or stopped at a checkpoint

If you are arrested for DWI, you should take the following steps as soon as possible:

  • Set all of your social media accounts to private
  • Find credible witnesses who can defend your sobriety
  • Write down all that you remember from your arrest and traffic stop
  • Talk to an experienced lawyer

There are also Constitutional requirements that police must adhere to in order to use DWI checkpoints. These include:

  • The checkpoint must be created for a valid programmatic purpose
  • The checkpoint placements must be reasonably related to the purpose of the checkpoint
  • The checkpoint can’t be designed to cause significant traffic delays

We Can Help You Fight Your DWI

After you have been arrested for DWI, you will have a limited amount of time to file an appeal to save your driver’s license. In addition to trying to keep your license, you will also have numerous motions that need to be filed in order to request and submit evidence for your case. The deadlines that have to be met and the work that needs to be done to build your case can be overwhelming if you attempt to take it on by yourself. A lawyer can take care of these details for you and ensure that your case will move forward without too many hassles.

In addition to handling your paperwork, a lawyer can also negotiate with your prosecutor to try to reach a plea deal or alternative method of punishment. Often, prosecutors don’t like to negotiate with defendants who choose to represent themselves. For these reasons, and many more, it is important that you have skilled legal representation by your side through your DWI case.

If you are arrested for DWI this Memorial Day Weekend, you should contact our attorney, Chris Floyd. Our experienced legal team can review your case and develop a legal strategy that will protect your rights. We are prepared to fight for the justice that you deserve.

Call (919) 805-3663, or contact our Raleigh DWI attorneyto schedule a free case consultation today.

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